Two Guns murder and more

Two Guns years of history including murder.


Mass murder of the Apaches in 1878. The Navajos lit sagebrush that was covering the entrance of a cave that the Apaches were hiding in. If the Apaches tried to escape the fire they were shot at the exit of the cave by the Navajos.


The area of Two Guns has quite a bit of history spanning from late 1800’s to the decline in 1971. 1879–80, Billy the Kid and his outlaw gang hid in the ruins. 1889 four men robbed the local train at Canyon Diablo. 1925 Harry E. Miller leased property from the Cundiffs and turned the area into a tourist attraction including a zoo with cages. Some of this still remains here today. In 1926 Miller and Cundiff had a disagreement and Miller shot Cundiff to death.

One way to preserve the history of Two Guns is to create a 3D model of its current condition.  This is only one of the many ruins at this location.

Two Guns ruins can be found along Hwy 40 in Arizona. This location has an abundance of history. This model was made using the Mavic Pro 2, 554 images, and processed with Pix4D.,_Arizona#:~:text=Two%20Guns%20was%20the%20site,any%20Apaches%20trying%20to%20escape.

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