Horsing around with the DJI Phantom – now that is fun!
I’m not your average Drone Diva. I had to put in my personal touch on my flying and what I’ve accomplished. Hope you check it out and enjoy my video as much as I did filming it!
I was looking or more things to do with the Phantom when I stumbled across “thedjiguy” and his video on the tricks the phantom can do. It’s a great video and I am no where near this level. But I gave him a laugh and said I would be in his next video. So, he inspired me with new challenges, and of course I had to put a twist on it to make it personal. 😉 One of the challenges I has was getting my horse “Foxy” comfortable with the Phantom.
I had plenty of practice with the Phantom landing on the barrel, but once I had the weight of the carrot the Phantom “Fanny” was not so reliable. Finally I felt confident I had good control so I brought out my horse. And as you would imagine, I lifted off and went flying backward right at my horse. Good thing she has a big appetite for food. I also had a few mishaps with her eating the carrots and hunting down the bag of stashed carrots.
Now that I’ve mastered this I hope to be able to do more flying with her. It’s been fun coming up with ideas for more to do. I would love to hear any ideas you have or share your videos of fun flying you’ve done.